Unique recipients Found656
Number of Contributions Sorted2,682
Total Value of Contributions$626,197,793
Ordered BySum (High to Low)
Top recipients
Transactions on Record
Total Value of Contributions
551Place of Refuge1$4,320
552Rotary Foundation of Rotary International1$4,000
553Urban Youth Collaborative1$4,000
554Sons of Italy Foundation2$3,500
555WXEL Public Broadcasting Corporation1$3,500
556Lynn University1$3,400
557His Love Fellowship (Denver)1$3,000
558Camp Tall Turf1$3,000
559Zoological Society of the Palm Beaches1$3,000
560Ancient Paths Church (Denver)1$3,000
561Western Indian Ministries1$3,000
562Rio Vista Community Church2$2,700
563Children's Home Society of Florida1$2,500
564Israel Cancer Association USA1$2,500
565Youth for Christ - San Antonio1$2,500
566Palm Beach Community College1$2,500
567Judicial Watch1$2,500
568Mad Dads1$2,500
569Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corporation1$2,000
570Great Commission Fellowship Church (Detroit)1$2,000
571Grand Rapids African American Health Institute1$2,000
572Community Foundation for Palm Beach & Martin Counties1$2,000
573Ronald McDonald House of Western Michigan1$2,000
574Tacoma Youth for Christ1$2,000
575Silent Observer1$1,750
576Grand Rapids Central High School1$1,500
577Close Up Foundation2$1,300
578Leukemia & Lymphoma Society - Illinois Chapter1$1,000
579Coalition to Salute American Heroes1$1,000
580Little Traverse Conservancy2$1,000
581Oviedo High School Band Booster Association1$1,000
582Adventures In Missions1$1,000
583National Association of Secretaries of State1$1,000
584Spirit And Truth Ministries (Dallas)1$1,000
585Next Steps Inc.1$1,000
586Faith Tabernacle United Holy Church of America Northern District1$1,000
587Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation1$1,000
588Snowmass-Wildcat Firefighters Association1$1,000
589Atlantic Classical Orchestra1$1,000
590Abbas House1$1,000
591Best Friends Foundation1$1,000
592Parent Project for Muscular Dystrophy1$1,000
593Youth for Christ USA Inc.1$1,000
594Urban Bridge Builders Inc.1$1,000
595Safe Haven Urban Redemption1$1,000
596New Samaritan Baptist Church1$1,000
597Points of Light1$1,000
598Ocean Reef Chapel Foundation2$1,000
599Eternal Impact (Dallas)1$1,000
600Care Company1$1,000
The contributions documented in Conservative Transparency are based on a review of publicly available filings with the Internal Revenue Service and Federal Election Commission, as well as state-level data from a variety of sources. For more information about our methodology, visit our about page.