Unique recipients Found766
Number of Contributions Sorted2,399
Total Value of Contributions$89,821,827
Ordered BySum (High to Low)
Top recipients
Transactions on Record
Total Value of Contributions
651Character Resources of Michigan1$1,000
652Second Harvest Gleaners Food Bank of West Michigan1$1,000
653Holy Famiy Oratory of St. Philip Neri1$1,000
654World Vision International1$1,000
655New Faith Temple of God1$1,000
656March of Dimes Foundation1$1,000
657Wikimedia Foundation1$1,000
658Truth for Life1$1,000
659Corn Heritage Village Center1$1,000
660Lifequest Group1$1,000
661Lakeshore Pregnancy Center1$1,000
662Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church1$1,000
663Children's Leukemia Foundation of Michigan1$1,000
664Porter Hills Presbyterian Village1$1,000
665Teen Challenge of Western Michigan1$1,000
666Trinity Christian School1$1,000
667Friends of the Americas1$1,000
668Grand Rapids/Kent Convention & Vistitors Bureau1$1,000
669Veterans Council of Indian River County1$1,000
670Competitive Enterprise Institute1$1,000
671Leukemia & Lymphoma Society2$1,000
672Vietnam Revisited1$1,000
673Battle Creek Christian School1$1,000
674Wayne County Community College District1$1,000
675Holocaust Memorial Center1$1,000
676The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University1$1,000
677Dream for Africa1$1,000
678Ryerson Library Foundation1$1,000
679Michigan Black Expo1$1,000
680Christ Centered Homes1$1,000
681Ave Maria College1$1,000
682Community of Christ Church1$1,000
683Holland Community Hospital1$1,000
684Grand Rapids Community College Foundation1$1,000
685Midland Center for the Arts1$1,000
686Northern Michigan Regional Foundation1$1,000
687Pensacola Christian College1$1,000
688Harderwyk Ministries1$1,000
689Michigan Veterans Foundation1$1,000
690Holland Harbor Lighthouse Historical Commission1$1,000
691Heartside Ministry1$1,000
692Wake Forest University2$750
693National Multiple Sclerosis Society2$750
694Muscular Dystrophy Association2$700
695Sibley Elementary School1$700
696Plymouth Heights Christian Reformed Church1$500
697Northwestern Memorial Hospital1$500
698Holy Childhood of Jesus Church (Harbor Springs MI)1$500
699Eaton Community Hospice Inc.1$500
700Youth With a Mission1$500
The contributions documented in Conservative Transparency are based on a review of publicly available filings with the Internal Revenue Service and Federal Election Commission, as well as state-level data from a variety of sources. For more information about our methodology, visit our about page.