14 transactions on record as a recipient.

Ordered By: Year (Newer to Older)

1EdChoice (Formerly Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice)Agudath Israel of America$25,0002014+
2EdChoice (Formerly Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice)Agudath Israel of America$15,0002012+
3Lovett and Ruth Peters FoundationAgudath Israel of America$55,0002012+
4EdChoice (Formerly Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice)Agudath Israel of America$10,0002011+
5Walton Family FoundationAgudath Israel of America$500,0002011+
6Lovett and Ruth Peters FoundationAgudath Israel of America$100,0002010+
7Lovett and Ruth Peters FoundationAgudath Israel of America$170,0002009+
8Walton Family FoundationAgudath Israel of America$300,0002008+
9Lovett and Ruth Peters FoundationAgudath Israel of America$30,0002008+
10EdChoice (Formerly Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice)Agudath Israel of America$25,0002007+
11EdChoice (Formerly Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice)Agudath Israel of America$1,0002007+
12Barbara and Barre Seid FoundationAgudath Israel of America$1,025,0002006+
13EdChoice (Formerly Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice)Agudath Israel of America$10,0002006+
14Ruth & Lovett Peters FoundationAgudath Israel of America$30,0002006+
The transactions in Conservative Transparency are based on information reported by the donors and exclude 'dark money' raised by the recipients from unknown donors that are not in the database. For more information about our methodology, visit our about page.